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Anticipating Academic Collaboration between the Embassy of Mexico and the University of Sopron

Representative of the University of Sopron Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA recently paid a visit to H.E. Rosario Asela Molinero Molinero, Ambassador of Mexico to Hungary. The diplomacy visit happened within the framework of the University’s Partner Program for embassies, which aims to strengthen our bilateral relationships, promote internationalisation and foster dinamic cooperations with diplomatic representatives.


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Spring Semester Welcome Day - 2024


We were happy to invite our international students, their mentors and Hungarian students to our traditional Spring Semester Welcome Day – Intercultural Event organized for greeting our new International students, for sharing information on Hungarian carnival traditions, and for learning about different cultures and countries our students come from. It was an exciting event with presentations, surprise performances, snacks, and chats!

Srcoll down for the Gallery!

Read here a summary from Dilara Ekici (Erasmus student from Türkiye):

"On March 7, Sopron University organized a welcome day. I found myself in a loving activity. Everyone was smiling. We had the opportunity to meet many new students. We also learned about the cultures of many countries and accompanied their dances and songs. Since 2024 is the Turkish - Hungarian cultural year, I wanted to learn new things about Hungarian culture at the event and I saw the cultural dances performed by Hungarian students. Their dances were quite spectacular. We sang a beautiful Hungarian festival folk song together. Thanks to the Hungarian lesson offered by Sopron University, I was able to sing the Hungarian folk song more easily. Coming towards the end of the event, it was an event where I experienced many cultural interactions, learned new things about the country I was in, and met many new people.

I would like to thank Sopron University and the coordinators for providing us with such a magnificent event. Jószerencsét :)"


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Gold And Silver For Sopron University Students In International Competition

The WorldStar Student Awards is an international packaging design competition organized by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) for university students from different countries around the world.


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Graduation Ceremony at the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics

Amidst ceremonial grandeur and with the attendance of hundreds of guests, the University of Sopron's Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics celebrated the diploma awarding and doctoral inauguration ceremony for the autumn semester of the 2023-24 academic year on 9th February.


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