On the 25th of May Rohan Nanayakkara Honorary Consul for Hungary in Sri Lanka had paid a visit to the University of Sopron as part of his one-month trip to Hungary. On behalf of the university, His Excellency and his accompaniment – Education Coordinator Dr. Sherini Abeysuriya, Personal Assistant and Security Officer Mr. Hirantha Jayasinghe and Coordinating Officer of the Budapest Office and Translator Ms. Boglárka Bus – were welcomed by Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA and Coordinator of International Affairs Ms. Barbara Lakatos.
On the 26th of May representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia: Head of Political Affairs Mrs. Hastin Bakti Asih, Second Secretary Ms. Laura Sylvia Johanna and Coordinator for Information and Social Culture Affairs Mr. Yudhi Gunawan had visited our university. Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián Rector, Dr. Tibor Alpár PhD and Prof. Dr. Ferenc Lakatos PhD Vice-Rectors and Director of International Affairs Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA had greeted them.
The main objectives of both visits were strengthening our international relationships and embracing cross-border cooperations. In the case of the Indonesian delegation, these were complemented by further discussions on the Pre-Doctoral Bridging Programme and by a visit to the Human and Natural Resources Research Centre.
These diplomacy visits are crucial parts of the international strategy of the University of Sopron and give a great basis to networking, market positioning and therefore, more successful student recruitment.
Created: 2022.06.07
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