The Erasmus+ BIP provides a great opportunity to work and collaborate with other universities in a very efficient way by sharing the offline and online parts of the scholarship. This achievement makes students possible to utilise the Erasmus grant for a shorter abroad period but gaining the same educational advantages.
The PRIGO University in Ostrava organises a Summer School with the topic of various elements and impacts of migration. The organisers Tomas Czapran PhD and Lenka Fabíková Head of International Office created a valuable programme on the topic of migration with the opportunity that Czech, Turkish, Cypriot and Hungarian students can work together.
The University of Sopron is represented by Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA Director of International Affairs and Erzsébet Nedelka PhD Vice-Dean at the Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics with 8 students from the Faculty – Ádám Artner, Gréta Baán, Anett Cziklin, Oliver James, Dóra Kulcsár, Albert Szabó, Patrícia Szaksz, Márk Trinkl.
The Erasmus+ BIP also makes possible to deepen the professional and scientific relations between the two universities and work of other progressive programmes.
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