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A University of Sopron Student Reaches Kenya via the Pannonia Scholarship Program

unisopron_zagyva_zalan_kenya (3).webpThe subject of the research is tiny, but the distance is vast. Zalán Rókus Zagyva, a student at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering at the University of Sopron, is studying the small organisms of the macro-world in Kenya. He arrived at Chuka University in Africa with the support of the Pannonia Scholarship Program.

“The young forestry engineer candidate is researching ants and springtails (Collembola) in Africa,” explained his supervisor, Prof. Dr. Dániel Winkler. Springtails can be found almost everywhere on Earth, having adapted to the most diverse habitats. This research topic, originating from the Institute of Wildlife Management and Wildlife Biology at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering, has taken the University of Sopron’s student all the way to the eastern slopes of Mount Kenya. There, he is studying various habitat types (agricultural land, tea plantations, Vitex keniensis tree plantations, eucalyptus plantations, disturbed natural forests, and undisturbed natural forests) and their organisms. Zagyva Zalán and the instructors from the local Faculty of Environmental Science and Resource Management were also received by the rector of the African university. Chuka University highlighted the Hungarian student on its own platforms:

The University of Sopron actively participates in the Pannonia Scholarship Program. Across its diverse academic fields, different destinations and mobility formats are most popular. For example, in forestry and creative industries, participation in professional events dominates, while in natural sciences, longer study and research mobility periods are preferred. The Pannonia Scholarship Program contributes to strengthening the University of Sopron’s international presence and the professional development of its students.unisopron_zagyva_zalan_kenya (2).webp

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