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Azerbaijan Technological University and University of Sopron: Strengthening Ties Through MOU Signing

uni-sopron-deepening-ties.jpgOn 17th October, the Azerbaijan Technological University and the University of Sopron demonstrated their commitment to international collaborations by coming together for an online signing ceremony to establish a Memorandum of Understanding.

The ceremony began with the greetings of Prof. Yashar Omarov, Rector of Azerbaijan Technological University, and the greetings of Prof. Dr. Attila Fábián, Rector of University of Sopron.

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uni-sopron-siging.jpgFollowing the opening greetings, participants were treated to detailed introductions of each university by the representatives of the two institutions. 

The centrepiece of the ceremony was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by both universities’ rectors.

The ceremony concluded with an official photoshoot, capturing an important moment in the joint work of the two universities.

Azerbaijan Technological University (AzTU) is a leading educational institution of Azerbaijan, which University of Sopron became a proud international partner of.


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