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SEN 2024 - The University of Sopron's Massive Year-Starting Party on September 6th!

uni-sopron-sen.webpThe University of Sopron Day is a meeting point not only for university students but also for the city's residents. It's an event where people from Sopron and other parts of the country can come together. SEN offers a diverse range of musical styles to suit all ages! In 2024, retro music and DJ sets will take turns, making dancing and partying a must.

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„Bonus Bus Trip” to Balaton for International Students of the University of Sopron

A lively day unfolded as international students of the University of Sopron embarked on the "Bonus Bus Trip" to the scenic Lake Balaton, visiting Tihany and Zamárdi. This excursion, organized to enrich the summer experience of our students, was filled with engaging activities and cultural discoveries.


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The Cooperation of the University of Sopron, the Africa Foundation, and the University of Miskolc

On July 8, 2024, the Africa Foundation, the University of Miskolc, and the University of Sopron signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to deepen the African relations of Hungarian universities in the fields of education, research, and economic cooperation.



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