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University of Sopron at the 67th SWST Conference

The 67th International Convention of the Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) was held from June 30 to July 5, 2024 in Portorož, Slovenia. This year's theme, "Advancing Regenerative Sustainability with Wood Science," focused on exploring innovative ways to utilize wood for a more sustainable future.

conference.webpYou can read a report about the participation of University of Sopron below:

"The 67th International Convention by Society of Wood Science & Technology (SWST) happened at Portoroz, Slovenia, between June 30 and July 5, 2024. Once again, this event presented an opportunity to outdoor some outputs from research works at the Faculty of Wood Engineering and Creative Industries of the University of Sopron. In attendance were Professor Robert Nemeth, and 2 PhD students: James Govina and David Takacs.


A total of 4 topics were presented under various categories with authorship including Drs Miklos Bak and Matyas Bader, and 4 other international PhD students: Haruna Seidu, Marwa Brougui, Noor Roziana Abdul Rahim, and Fath Alrharam Awad Younis. The research works and participation at the convention were sponsored by the TKP 2021-NKTA-43. Expectedly, the UniSopron research team also learned from other researchers, created and strengthened their network for future collaboration and professional development. The students are sincerely grateful to Professor Robert Nemeth and the TKP Project."

Report by James K. Govina.


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