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University of Sopron Makes Significant Progress in Collaboration Discussions with Tunisia

The University of Sopron initiated discussions regarding potential collaboration with Tunisian higher education institutions. Dr. habil. Zoltán Szabó PhD MBA, Director of International Affairs, recently met with His Excellency Abdelkarim Hermi, Ambassador of Tunisia to Hungary, to explore a mutually beneficial partnership.



Enhancing Student and Faculty Mobility

The meeting highlighted the prospect of facilitating meetings between the University of Sopron and relevant Tunisian ministries. This paves the way for the establishment of formal agreements that would streamline collaboration and student exchange programs.

Joint Research Initiatives

A particularly exciting development is the potential for a collaborative research agreement between the University of Sopron's Faculty of Forestry and the Tabarka Forest and Pasture Institute (ISPT) in Tunisia. The successful existing collaboration between ISPT and the University of Arizona serves as a strong model for such a partnership.

Scholarship Opportunities

Discussions also explored the possibility of scholarship programs for Hungarian students to pursue studies or research in Tunisia. This initiative would provide valuable opportunities for Hungarian scholars to gain deeper expertise in areas aligned with Tunisian strengths. Conversely, scholarships for Tunisian students at the University of Sopron would further enrich the university's international student body and foster a vibrant exchange of ideas. The ongoing Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Program presents an additional avenue for attracting talented Tunisian students to Hungary.

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